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Yestr Survey
Which reason best describes why you are no longer using Yestr?
The daily interaction was a bit too much of a time commitment for me
I would forget because I wasn't getting the email or mobile notifications
I liked it but my sibling was not submitting answers
I didn't like the questions or most didn't apply to me and my sibling
It didn't keep my interest
Yestr just wasn't what I expected
I was having a technical problem that I need help with
What features would make you more likely to use Yestr?
If you'd like us to assist, please give us your email address and we'll be in touch to help.
What would be the perfect frequency of questions for you?
Every other day
Twice a week
Would a mobile app with push notifications increase your participation?
Please indicate your age:
Under 20 years old
Between 20-25 years old
Between 25-30 years old
Between 30-40 years old
Between 40-50 years old
Between 50-65 years old
Over 65 years old
How would you rate Yestr overall?
5 - Amazing
4 - Good
3 - Average
2 - Below Average
1 - Poor